i regretted the idea of doing a baltimore wide secret santa (for my final project in my object of networks class) the minute it came out of my mouth. after a lot of stressful brainstorming sessions and a couple strokes of genius, i scaled it down a bit and went the tumblr route. (even though making something go "viral" in two weeks proved just as challenging.) i asked one question: what one thing would you give baltimore, if money was no limit? and waited for the results to come in. www.baltimoresecretsanta.tumblr.com
next challenge? what to do with all this juicy information? and while part of me was tempted to go sit on santa's lap dressed as the city of baltimore, delivering the city's wish list with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk to the mayor seemed more effective. miss stephanie rawlings-blake was out the morning i visited, but i did learn that she likes milk with her cookies...