good is...
- getting tickets to see bright eyes in d.c. november 11.
- my free speech piece being selected for the mica constitution day symposium exhibition. (i've only been here two weeks... already things are happening.)
- kanye leading 50 cent in cd sales.
- impromptu ordering a sufjan stevens "greetings from michigan" shirt and having it come in the mail two days later.
- learning "tall paul's" real name.
- going to the bma for the first time.
- getting soup and star stickers from shushi in the mail.
- being so completely giddy about my cap project because it involves good old project planning.
- drinking so much fountain diet pepsi at the hoff that i become slap happy.
- making my first poster for student activities (where's the projector?)
- tara's parents bringing nelly "country grammar" and the oc dvds.
- leaving the mica bubble (even if it is just to go to ikea & tgi friday's.)
- both ellen lupton and bruce mau being awarded AIGA medals.
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