my first mica t-shirt... so exciting! from "urban plunge," the community service day saturday morning. the shirt made all of the manual labor (removing vines from trees, picking up trash, etc.) worth it. i dragged tara along with me... so we made it fun.

we wanted to pose with a machete, but this little clipper was the best we could do.

after a morning of hard work, we cranked up the jams, got out the cookies, opened the windows, and did what we do best. paint. the homosote board in the living room is now a lovely shade of "jazzy pink." it really changes the whole mood of our little apartment. and now we have a place to hang up our stuff in style. (like our running tally of a kid we like to call "the whistler." if he walks by whistling, that's a tally. bonus points if he whistles whilst on unicycle.)

and... tara finally posed for me in the port-a-potty we walk by on the way to "the hoff" everyday. such a brave soul.
not mentioned above due to lack of photographic documentation: watching "stranger than fiction" (w/ will ferrell) on the commons lawn, utrecht & thrift store shopping, my first "coffee house" (a monthly student showcase @ mica) and being awaken at 2:34 in the morning by a large bearded man tap dancing next door.
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