here i am knee deep in finals, completely lost for 3 out of 5 classes. not sure what the next step should be for elements, or how to get my message across for emac, or even where to begin for drawing. but cap... i got that down. i actually have too many ideas. what's great about this cap final is that it is individual, and it gives you the means to reflect & process it all. so much of cap is community and people based, it's important to not forget about yourself in it all. and not to loose sight of who you are as an artist. and for me that means strong ties to scrapbooking.
it starts with this white canvas monochromatic collage approach. i've had this idea in my head for awhile... something simple and stark, with a blue light in the middle. for my cap final i'm planning on extending it into a series. because it just so happens that the blue light was distinct from my brooklyn experience, and in my cap journal brooklyn is the blue section. (yes. i color code everything. roland park=red. brooklyn=blue. east baltimore=green. reisterstown=yellow. those colors tend to then seep into your subconscious and represent your memory of the experience and then how you would share it visually.) & i've also wanted to make an altered newspaper for awhile. i'm not sure what would go in it yet, but i know that the front page will have "daily intelligence" stamped on it in big, bold, all caps. i think there will be a way to combine the two together.
and another thought on my mind... cap needs a manifesto. and you know how much i love manifestos. i could totally do one. really, what is community arts all about? what are the guidelines and goals and things that connect every manifestation? this might be more of a long term project, something that i keep referencing and adding as i continue with cap and channel my inner bruce mau.
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