-excerpt from an interview with bruce mau.
but sometimes it's still fun to try to document it all...
right now i am finding myself (again) surrounded by yellow. tracing paper and new markers and pens, and plans. lots of plans.
i started with just drawing house plans really big on sheets of the yellow tracing paper (something i've been wanting to do for awhile.) and now that idea needs to culminate in my elements class this thursday.
i brought the first floor plan into my drawing midterm last week. fabienne gave me a wealth of names to look up, people that came to her mind when she started looking at the piece and the concept of drawing space. (rachel whiteread, amy yoes, borges, isabel allende & other magic realists.) she also gave me some reassurance. (two kinds of yellow together is one of her favorite things.) that's where i was at last monday.
sometime after that (actually, i think it was after seeing the current exhibition at the contemporary this past thursday,) i had a revelation and realized that it wasn't about drawing the plans, and then making them into something else... it was just about the plans themselves, the shape they made, their inherent visual interest and call for investigation. but this missing link was having them not be completely visible- instead of drawing them with graphite on the yellow tracing paper, drawing them with a yellow medium. because that's what plans are. they're there, yes, but we rarely can see them. it reminded me one of my connect quotes, found in the same bruce mau interview as the quote above,
"another thing i'm often not aware of is where things are headed. in retrospect things look like they were following a master plan, that there was a carefully laid out route to arrive at something or other, but more often than not, it was intuition and accidents. the grand sceme may be there in the unconscious, subtly guiding one's attentiveness to pay attention to these accidents and happenstance, but i'm often not aware of it." -david byrne
and so i insist that there is something there in all this yellow and all these plans.
i looked up isabel allende and found an interview with some more room for interpretation and application to where i'm at right now.
on writing (creating) and starting:
"when i start i am in total limbo. i don't have any idea where the story (piece) is going or what is going to happen or why i am writing (making) it. i only know that i am in a way that i can't even understand at the time, i am connected to the story (piece.) i have chosen that story (piece) because it was important to me in the past or will be in the future."
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