today. the woodward project begins. this is something i have been wanting to do for awhile now. the project is pretty huge. and we (jackie and i) are unbelievably naive about it all. but i wouldn't have it any other way.
the main idea is this: drive down woodward and take pictures in a pseudo-panoramic manner. there aren't any rules. or really any expectations. except that it will be super long, it will involve acetate somehow (per my request), and that we want to mount an exhibition around it at the museum of contemporary art in detroit. which i am crazy enough to think could actually happen.
i just leave it to jackie to ask the practical questions. like how many cameras should we have going? and how many memory cards will we need? and won't it be insanely expensive to print all the pictures out? (the absence of this factor is one thing i blame art school for. on one hand, you get really good at finding/taking/stealing things to use in your art. on the other hand, there are a lot of times when you just have to suck it up and spend money. if you want to make good art, you have to invest in it. there's really no way around that one. if the project calls for a certain something, you shouldn't let money stop you. there's my idealist two cents for today.)
because so much is up in the air, i'm really excited about it. i like that i am going into it with just a gut instinct. no solid conceptual facets have been discussed or formulated. it's more like, "let's just do it, and see what it will teach us." we know there is something there. i don't know how there couldn't be... we just have to jump in and start driving.
i'll try to add some pictures later today.
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