first, the last time i picked up crayons was probably at a visit to the preschool. or possibly at a papa vinos that provided kraft paper table cloths. second, the only people who use crayolas at mica are either attempting to be cheeky in a drawing class or melting them for some sculptural form.
yesterday i got my first graphic design "heartattack assignment" from bernard. take his list of 35 words. create a list of 50 free association words from those words. and then draw a thumbnail sketch/symbol for each. i'll do the math for you. 1,750 words and symbols. due next monday. so if you don't hear from me for awhile, you know why. (right off the bat bernard asked how many people in the class were in relationships. a few people raised their hands. to which he responded: "go home tonight and kiss your loved ones goodbye. because you're mine for the next 16 weeks.")
he hit so many nails right on the head. he demands that you know why you are here. why you chose mica, and why you picked graphic design. (he fully intends to weed out anyone who doesn't love graphic design.) it's reassuring to hear the chair of the gd department tell you that his goal is to make sure you get your moneys worth. (and if you ever feel like you aren't getting your moneys worth, tell him, because he'll give you more work.)
i already know this class will be a challenge. (not just in the time management department.) my approach to design is usually pretty simple. i like to run with the obvious. but there's no innovation there. and now i have someone who will most certainly call me out on it.
i've been postponing posting my schedule for this semester because for so long it's been up in the air. and it still kind of is. (the schedule obsessed part of me is flipping out inside.) but this much i know: there are five exciting classes that i am taking for sure.
my schedule is as follows:
graphic design I with bernard caniffe (9 am - 3 pm)
typography I with ellen lupton (9 am - 3 pm)
note: you can follow my type class this semester with our flickr group, "typography live."
modernism and after with t'ai lin smith (4 pm - 6:45 pm)
artists books with laurie snyder (9 am - 3 pm)
urbanism with daniel d'oca (7 pm - 9:45 pm)
then add in some work study, program manager, and a little community arts.
the only thing i'm bumming about right now is my failed attempt to take french at johns hopkins. in theory it sounded wonderful. but everyone who warned of the hoops i would have to jump through was right. first, my form got lost. second, the class was full (which means the form wouldn't have even made a difference anyway.) determined not to give up, i kept emailing the teacher, took the online placement test, and crossed my fingers hoping that if i showed up to the first class a vacancy would appear. but sitting in on the class yesterday was like pulling teeth. no one had any previous french experience. so we started with bonjour. and learned how to count. it was painful. and there is no way i could stay in that class and be ok with it. (just sitting there made me miss mademoiselle.) and every single higher level class conflicted with my schedule.
i'm not sure what to make of that mess right now. something feels fishy about my backup class (social problems) but i feel like a slacker if i stick with only 15 credits when i could be taking 18. and at this point mica classes are mostly full. i'm meeting with my academic advisor tomorrow morning as a last resort. so we'll see...
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Good luck!
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