"when was the last time you had a truly pure moment? the simple order of you, the enjoyment, the happiness, the end. without that nagging arithmetic of what the moment must look like to others, what it might read like tomorrow, and if it bears any significance in the long term... when was the last time you heard the voice in your head over all the noise?" (i think i found that on a john mayer blog way back when. the boy is wise.)
what i'm trying to say is... i haven't posted in over a week, and i'm ok with it. i took my camera with me to new york and new jersey over break, and it never left its case. and for once i didn't feel like a tourist. it was more about just being there, and not worrying about anything else. (i also left my phone charger in new jersey, but that disconnect is a little more troublesome...)
anyway. i'll start posting stuff again soon. promise. i just needed to pause for a bit. (this semester has been going at turbo speed.) but now that spring break is over, i'm on the home stretch for the final seven weeks. and i'll be sprinting...
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