my first scheme for concrete culture was to make open and closed signs out of concrete. the construction would be as easy as the tiles we made in class, and i'd get to indulge myself and cut letters out of foamular. perfect. except for the fact that, as my teacher so gently brought to my attention, i didn't really have a reason to make them out of concrete. darn. so when the concrete clause was lifted for our final project, i revisited this simple idea. grounded in my admiration for these quotidian pieces of design (a la open), the gd in me vectorized some classic sign compositions and cut them out of vinyl, the sculpture in me grabbed some aluminum, and the urbanist in me started looking at commerical places in the city that cater to one race, while defacto excluding the other. i wanted to use the signs to comment on these unspoken boundaries. after my critique, i realize that there is a lot more to pay attention to both technically and conceptually. just throwing that out there right now, i'm sure i'll revisit it in some way or another later...
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