Wednesday, November 4, 2009


last semester i had the opportunity to learn from two teachers who were working on some amazing things. my concrete culture teacher, sarah doherty, and my open city teacher, dan d'oca. after my time with them ended, they kept on going.

sarah took the alley we used for our final projects (and the alley behind her carriage house) and turned it into a full-fledged installation space. definitely check out the hundreds of pictures on the "axis alley" blog and flickr. i won't attempt to do the whole thing justice with the photos i've pulled to post here.

dan went to rotterdam (along with two students from the class and his firm, interboro) and installed an exhibition based on our arsenal of exclusion/open city baltimore project at the international architecture biennial. (along with co-curating the us portion of the biennial.) these were some pics he sent to our class from the opening in september:

check 'em out!

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