i made sure to make a pit stop at pompidou before i headed home for dreamlands, a new exhibition about the relationship between real cities and their fabricated counterparts. the show connects so many different ideas and work in a really fresh way. some martin parr photos, la tour eiffel and paris partout, the craziness that was walt disney's initial vision of epcot, delirious new york, and learning from las vegas, to name a few. feeling inspired, i just started reading the 1972 investigation of vegas architecture. i can already tell it's going to be a treat...
"learning from the existing landscape is a way of being revolutionary for an architect. not the obvious way, which is to tear down paris and begin again, as le corbusier suggested in the 1920's, but another, more tolerant way; that is to question how we look at things... we look backward at history and tradition to go forward; we can look downward to go upward. and withholding judgment may be used as a tool to make later judgment more sensitive. this is a way of learning from everything."
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