i got a call today from carey early today saying that it was the day to tackle the zine. he's been putting in the hours and energy working on this idea for a while now, and i've just been helping out as possible... but it's been so awesome to see this go from an anything-is-possible grant proposal for a zine workshop in pimlico to a totally solid and cohesive concept in a truly organic way. we led a workshop once a week last semester, and by the start of the summer he saw that it was time to pause and change directions. carey started asking the kids what they wanted to see happen, and what they really wanted was a playground in their neighborhood. (the notorious pall mall apartments had recently been demolished across the street, leaving an open space perfect for such a possibility.) since then, there's been a bit of a struggle to force it to fit into a zine and be wrapped up with a shiny bow, but tonight i think we hit the nail on the head. words, image and placement just started to flow. we really didn't need to do more than just work with what the kids had already done (they wrote a giant letter together to mayor sheila dixon and took photos of the space over the summer) and try to tell their story through 12 pages and design.
i can't wait to show the finished pages and product (eventually there will be 10,000 copies made to be distributed.) this kind of stuff is when design really feels good. thanks carey. and thanks kids.
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