my cap class went back to east baltimore today. a neighborhood called baltimore was off limits, so this particular "implementation." was a group effort. we decided on each bringing postcards or cards, pre-made or blank, and using them as tools for social interaction. the concept with the cards was giving people an outlet for expression through our art. they could do with it as they chose... hang it on their wall, write a letter to city council, send it to an old friend, whatever. i was really into these once i got started (obviously, they involve letter stickers.) we decided that northeast market would have the most potential. everyone has to eat.
fletcher had some wise words about gathering spaces: "i don't always know what is going to happen, but i make things happen." i guess i'm not at that place yet. i'm still held back by my own over-analyzing and self-consciousness. obviously, the hardest part of the card concept was confronting someone. how would i know that they want to talk to me? but if i waited for someone to approach me, how would they know that i want to talk to them? see... there i go with the over-analyzing. i put stamps on every card thinking it would motivate me to make sure i gave them to people. no such luck. i gave one away the whole day, and it was in exchange for one of those "deaf education system cards." so my plan now is to use them when it is not so planned.
i'm not giving up on the idea of them, i think i'm just realizing that they aren't necessarily universal. i knew it would be hard. any time you share your art, you place yourself in a vulnerable position. i'm glad this class is giving me the opportunity to work all this stuff out in my mind.